Friday, March 05, 2010

Update on My Book

Just in case you've been wondering how my book is coming along, I thought I'd give you a brief update.

Today, I passed the seventy thousand word mark. I had been aiming for 80-100K words, so I'm getting pretty close.

I should be done with the first draft this month. Then, I'll start my re-write, then send it off to my friend for editing, then fix things from his recommendations.

Once I've done these things, then I'll start looking for a literary agent to sell the book to a publisher.

I have no disillusions. After I finish my manuscript, the real work begins. Finding someone who believes in my book and representing it to publishers is both a big deal and lots of work. While my family, friends, and even I believe that it is a good work, finding someone in the business is a little harder.

Even if I find a publisher, that doesn't guarantee success. I happen to think I'm on to something special; there are few other books with the same subject on the market; hardly any of them in the fiction genre.

I pray that the book will be a success, not just for the financial rewards, but that it would honor God by helping people to search for Him. I'd covet your prayers as I complete my part of this project.

Please join me in the support of this project by "following" my main character, Owen Risgby on Twitter and becoming Facebook fan.


Dave Miller said...

I have been trying to get some books published for years. I think I'm about ready to look at self-publishing. The most encouraging/infuriating note I ever got was from a publisher who told me how good my book was and that it deserved to be published, but that he couldn't do and hoped someone else would. Nice words, but they didn't do me much good.

I'm thinking of changing my name to "Dave Swindoll" or "Dave Lucado." Or, perhaps, I thought I might just add the words "of Jabez" to the end of all my book titles.

Anonymous said...

Great attitude, Rick. Aim high, and enjoy the ride, and... how many more metaphors can I mix here? The discipline you are showing and developing will benefit you and others in so many ways. It will pay off, in several ways.
