Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Missionary Quote

Sunday evening, we had Bryan and Melissa Abbott of New Tribes Missions in our church.  The provided us with an update of their first two years in Indonesia.

Bryan said something profound that I wanted to share in this format.

The Great Commission isn't something God gave us just to keep us busy until Christ returns. ~ Bryan Abbott

I thought this was quote-worthy and hope it provides you with something to think about today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you decide to go to Orlando for a vacation, plan to spend time visiting the missionary headquarters located there, including New Tribes, Campus Crusade and Wycliff. The NT tour was just Jamie and myself with a retired NT missionary. He spent 1 1/2 hours with us, taking us all through their buildings. We spent the next day at The Holyland Experience, our third time to visit.
Bob S