Friday, December 17, 2010

City of Tulsa Does Right

Recently, it's been all over the news in Tulsa, that residents of Somerset East Apartments were going to be evicted because the owner of the complex has failed to pay the water bill and owes $79,000 to the City of Tulsa.

Evidently, the owner hasn't paid the bill for quite some time and the city has been in negotiation since May to pay the bill.

The deadline for the payment came and went and the city decided to cut off the water which meant eviction for 67 families living in the complex.

After news reports broke the story, public opinion pushed the city of Tulsa to do the right thing and delay the evictions until after the holidays.

Of course, this isn't the city of Tulsa's problem.  It is the owner of the apartment complex, Samuil Dave of Los Angeles, California.  According to the Tulsa World,
The company that owns the complex is Somerset Estates LLC of Los Angeles. Court records list the borrower on the 2008 mortgage as Somerset Estates LLC by S.R.P. Property Inc., and is signed by its president, Saumil Dave.

The parent company has stopped taking phone calls from the manager of the Tulsa complex and is quoted as saying that he has no intention of paying the bill.

It is unfortunate the greed of some effect innocent others.


You can contact Saumil Dave here:

Saumil Dave
631 S Olive St Ste 850
Los Angeles CA 90014

You can call and tell the company what's on your mind: (213) 622-6165

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