Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 => 2013

Well, 2012 is all but done.

 It's been quite a year for me and my family. God has blessed us immensely. We've had some really great things happen, and some really difficult things happen. But no matter what all has happened, God has been in control.

High points include my older daughter turning 16 and getting her first car and our family in the process of purchasing our own home.

Low points include being betrayed by then gossiped about by people whom I trusted and regarded as friends and the passing of my grandmother.

Fun activities have included being recreation coordinator at children's camp, working with Southern Baptist Disaster Relief in Creek County and New Orleans, and going to Southern China and Hong Kong with a group of pastors from Oklahoma.

I don't know what 2013 holds in store for us, but, I'd recommend storing up a few things like firearms, ammo, and survival resources. The world is falling apart at the seams.

Nevertheless, God is in control.

Thank you for reading this year! May God bless you for a Joyous and Healthy New Year!

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