Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Chinese Wal-Mart

I took my very first trip to a Chinese Wal-Mart yesterday in Shekou. It was a super center. My first impression was "Wow, this sure looks like a Wal-Mart!" At first sight, it does. At closer inspection, you'll find that it is all Chinese products. Wait a minute! That's just like an American Wal-Mart!

My Chinese teacher took me to have a "practical language experience". It was an interesting experience, to say the least. She made me repeat about 93% of every item in the entire two storey store. I also met nearly every one of the Chinese "team members", as my teacher made them ask me if I wanted to buy the cup, or the pencil, or the notebook, or the shirt, or the watch, or the etc... I had to respond with "sorry, but I don't want to buy the cup, or the pencil, or the ..."

Lots and lots of fun.

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