Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bad Decisions

Making bad decisions really has an impact on more people than just the person making a bad decision. I am currently dealing with two men who have made bad decisions; dealing with one directly and dealing with one indirectly. Both of them are Believers, who, for whatever reason, have chosen to walk in the flesh instead of in the Spirit. One lost his job, the other is sitting in jail.

I'm not going to give details or identity of either one, not to protect them, but to protect the innocent "victims" of their bad decisions. The one I am dealing with directly made bad decisions regarding how he was going to conduct himself in business. This led to misappropriation of funds and the inability to account for those funds. It has caused a bad witness among those who aren't believers and is causing a hardship on all the people who depended on this person. The other man who is sitting in jail is awaiting trial for making bad decisions. This man has been in church his whole life (I even watched him get baptized). He knows the Truth, but the call of the world and worldly pleasures was too great on him. He chose to make some quick money. It was very good quick money. Trouble was it was illegal. I saw a change in this man, as the money and other things grabbed him. I saw him disrespectful to people (family!) and becoming a jerk. The law caught up with him and he now faces some serious, serious prison time. This, too, is a bad witness, as this man has chosen to walk in the flesh. His family is devastated; his mother is crushed. His little sister is bewildered, confused and hurt. His little daughter could be without a father for several years.

Am I judging? No. Am I "holier than thou?" No. Am I saying "it couldn't happen to me?" No.

I am, however, disappointed, sad, confused, angry, hurt, and frustrated.

How can a child of the King do these things? I think it is because he makes a decision to do so. Not all at once, but little by little. It is a choice to walk in the flesh rather than in the Spirit. It is a very good reminder for me to make a daily decision to "walk in the Spirit" and to "abide in Christ". As a human, my tendancy is to do all things by my own strength and power (walking in the flesh). I must, Must, MUST depend on God for all things, big or small, so that I won't disappoint Him (walking in the Spirit).

Please pray for these two men and their families. Pray that God would be glorified in both situations, even if it is uncomfortable for the men. God comes FIRST!

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