Saturday, August 03, 2019

15 Years on Blogger

Today marks 15 years that I first began my blog. I was in Thailand at the time and thought it was a good thing to do.

Then came Facebook.

My blog has certainly suffered in the past 5 years or so. Facebook fulfills my need for posting pictures and such.

But the blog has it's place, too. When I want to mark an occasion or when I want to expound on a subject that might be censored by FB, I write it here.

There is a big of ego-stroking, I'll have to admit, in having a blog with your name on it. Frankly, when I bought the domain, I was hoping to become a published author and this would be my platform. I still hope and dream.

Nevertheless, BoyneBlog or now, is still alive.

Thanks for reading.

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